Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

Do You Want To Say Hello To Us?

If you want to ask us a question or start up a correspondence then please feel free as we'd love to talk to anyonewho gives a shit about us. If you want us to play at a concert you're putting on then send us a message as well because we like playing shows and it'll be exciting if you ask us.

Send us an email to:
Just state whether it is business or pleasure and we will email you back really quickly because we're super enthusiastic about all this at the moment. Wait until we get all jaded and tetchy about replying, that'll be fun maybe.

We have a Myspace page you know, it's pretty incoherent at the moment but hopefully that'll change when we do something to it. The link is:, not a particularly original or inspired choice of page title but then I guess we're not very inspired or original in the grand scheme of things.

Hope you talk to us soon!

People we really like/admire/respect/are forever indebted to.