Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

3rd September - Flux, Yardbird, Birmingham

Jeremy had left the country for a bit and so we went to play a show without him.

We had practiced a bit and wrote a new song and rearranged some old songs and we were a bit happy with them I think. We got to the venue and ate some food.

The first band on were the lovely and charming and sweet as fuck Lime Chalks they played like TOTALLY acoustic (apart from one microphone because they are sellouts) and everyone in the audience sat down on the floor and jived along with their legs crossed like charming hippy types. It was magic-fun and so beautifully perfect that tears were seen to be forming in the eyes of an Ace Bushy guitarist who shant be named. NEXT was The Bumblebees who we hadn't heard before but who made lush bouncepop which I reckon people will dance very happily along to in the future soon.

Then we played. We thought we were dreadful. There were bits when we were out of time and there were bits when we played the wrong bit of songs. It all sounded a bit of a shambles on stage. We found out after we had played that although we DID sound shambolic, it wasn't nearly as bad as it sounded on stage. There was a video taken which is down below and it sounds ok I think.

Das Wanderlust finished the evening and were annoyed by the sound on stage as well I think but they sounded fun from where we were and we enjoyed them with a knowing smile upon our faces.


  1. The Introduction
  2. Panda Funk Unit
  3. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly
  4. Flying Bayonets
  5. Emma Champion: You Are The Champion Of Are <3s
  6. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  7. Happy Song (Sad Version)
  8. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD