Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

8th January - The Rainbow, Birmingham

We had been invited to play a concert at the Rainbow in January quite a while earlier by our lovely Mr Cricket chums. We accepted with glee and waited for 2009 to roll round and Jeremy to fly back into our lives. We were waiting for him as this was to be our first show with him back from his Indian adventure. He arrived with a t-shirt and a tache and a sunny attitude.

Emma Champion wooshed down from Manchester and we practiced in the afternoon. I say practiced but we worked out new songs instead of going over the ones we already knew which probably wasn't the wisest things we've ever done but hey-ho. We were confident.

There was some sound checking and we missed out on getting the zine printed because we suck ultimate and we ate some food. Then it was time to play and it went pretty well we felt. We were really loud and hardly mucked up at all! Jeremy cut his finger and bled on the drum kit a bit though.

Old Ions played straight away afterwards but we were really excited to see Mr Cricket play again. They did the best show we've ever seen them do and they sounded so utterly fantastic. They had just recorded some of their songs and it should be brill when they're finished.

Sunset Cinema Club headlined and they were mind blowingly good. There is not much else you can say about them really that wouldn't sell them short.

It was a lovely evening all in all we feel.


  1. The Introduction
  2. Panda Funk Unit
  3. And She Smiled (At Me) Across The Void
  4. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly
  5. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  6. Weave Away To Make Stars
  7. Emma Champion: You Are The Champion Of Are <3s
  8. Totally Ice Cream
  9. Flying Bayonets
  10. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD
  11. Finishing Move