Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

8th February - Wheatsheaf, Oxford

The best thing about being in a pop band is making friends. Our best pop band friends are probably The Bumblebees. They are such lovely people and Ellis the guitarer has put us on at shows twice now! We are so very grateful.

We had just played a concert in Birmingham the night before and so before we travelled down to Oxford we had a band practice. It was really brill! We learnt 'Heartbreaks In The Snow' and worked out the duet (House On Ash Tree Lane) vocals in the verse to 'HF, HS, HSS'. Spring was almost certainly in the air.

Emma Champion and Jeremy drove down with the drum kit and Basith and myself got the train as there was not room for us. Oxford greeted us with sleet. It was a bit cold and a bit damp. Bas fell a bit in love at the train station I think when we sat down for a bit. He might not have though. We both went to the toilet and waited for the call from our car based friends. They arrived in Oxford shortly after us and we met at the Wheatsheaf. We did some carrying and then blew up some balloons.

We went out for some food and met a famous from We Aeronauts. He seemed in a jolly mood. Like a dandy.

The Mountain Parade were just starting as we got back to the venue. They really made us smile (I am qualified to talk for all of us), their songs were wide and well spaced with room for the audience to grin madly between and during their songs.

Then we played. Emma Champion's brother arrived just before we started. We weren't as proficient as the night before but it was lovely fun and even though we couldn't really hear ourselves, we were assured that it wasn't that terrible in the crowd.

The Paraffins totally rocked the joint and then The Bumblebees played half an hour of ultimate pop. There was dancing and fun had by all.

We were really tired and said goodbye to each other and got a bit soggy and ended the weekend of pop.


  1. yrallinaband
  2. The Introduction
  3. Panda Funk Unit
  4. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly
  5. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  6. Heartbreaks In The Snow
  7. And She Smiled (At Me) Across The Void
  8. Weave Away To Make Stars
  9. Emma Champion: You Are The Champion Of Are <3s
  10. HF, HS, HSS
  11. Flying Bayonets
  12. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD
  13. Finishing Move