Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

7th June - Astonbury Festival, Aston University, Birmingham

As you will know already if you read our review of the show the day before, Irini had to leave the country on the morning of the huge-ass Aston University summer festival thing. This left us a bit worried as she was by far the best thing about us and we probably wouldn't be able to play the songs through very well without her doin' some good singing. Luckily, Jeremy's Brighton lot were up from the night before and we were able to pursuade the lovely and generous Tom Wade (from We Aeronauts and Shall We Set Ben On Fire) and James Cunning (from We Aeronauts and Keyboard Choir and Jeremy's family). They were so awesome and we taught them how to sing the songs really quickly because they are good at learning and they threw some fantastic shapes whilst getting their swerve on. We ate some free sandwiches in the special backstage bit and some of us drank some beer and cider that we found out we weren't allowed to drink but no-one told us off so it's ok. Bas drank too much free water it made him feel a bit sick before we went on stage, I think that was just the nerves though because he is a wuss. The first thing we saw when we got on site was Kano asking the directions to the toilet.

Tom Wade and James left early so they could go home and get back to being regular citizens again. Simon and Jeremy left before Zane Lowe and Kano and Little Man Tate did all their fancy things because they had to go and watch indiepop at the Autumn Store. Bas and Arjun love lad rock bands so they stayed there forever.


  1. The Introduction
  2. Panda Love Unit
  3. The World's Longest Limousine For Cattle
  4. Fancy Whistle Man, Whistl (Tom Wade)
  5. Flying Bayonets
  6. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  7. Totally Ice Cream
  8. Mervyn & Issac Find A CD
  9. The Last Walts