Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

12th June - Catapult Club, Bar Academy, Birmingham

This was supposed to be our first proper show in a proper place where we had seen proper bands play proper concerts before we started this "proper" band of ours. It turned into a bit of a shambles really but it was still jolly fun and well worth doing. Before the show we welcomed 4/6ths of Sunset Cinema Club to the fold as our guest vocalists. They knew minimal lyrics and hadn't practiced with us at all but if you worry about things like that and get nervous then you're bound to be rubbish when you perform.

We played our first few songs a bit rubbishly but not toooo bad in the grand scheme of things. We'd written the lyrics to 'Elephant' again in the afternoon before the show as we couldn't remember all of Irinis so that was a bit shakey. THEN we broke the PA system during 'Fancy Whistle Man Whistl (Tom Wade)' and that was a pretty awful so we had to turn our amps and drums up loud and scream at the top of our voices so people could hear us a bit. We played a few songs and jumped around a bit and had a merry ole time until they got the microphones working again. Then we played for a bit until we got bored and finished our set.

We might not get asked back to play Bar Academy again...


  1. The Introduction
  2. Elephant
  3. The World's Longest Limousine For Cattle
  4. Panda Love Unit
  5. Fancy Whistle Man, Whistl (Tom Wade)
  6. ***PA BROKE***
  7. Totally Ice Cream
  8. Totally Ice Cream (again)
  9. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  10. Mervyn & Issac Find A CD
  11. "Arrogance Is My Middle Name", Said Will Davies Arrogantly (instrumentally)
  12. ***PA FIXED A BIT***
  13. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad (reprise)
  14. The Last Walts