Ace Bushy Striptease

Simon is

Solidarity and Respect and Decency and Tasteful Restraint

Solidarity and Respect and Decency and Tasteful Restraint


  1. The Introduction
  2. The World's Longest Limousine For Cattle
  3. Panda Love Unit
  4. Michael Kightly Is Pretty Rad
  5. Flying Bayonets
  6. Mervyn & Isaac Find A CD
  7. The Last Walts

Release Date
25th June 2008.

We only made about 20-30 copies of this, they were given out mostly at our Woom Gallery show but some others were given to parents and the like. The songs were recorded with Dom at Hijack Studio in Redditch in April and May.

SOLD OUT! - for the moment anyways. We have more cases to cut out and fold when we can be bothered. Again, we gave these away for free.